Your Smile

I Remember Your Smile 
#My Favourite Song#

Your smile

And yet
So hard

Your eyes

Most of all
I remember
Your smile

Where there is right there is no wrong
I always thought we were so strong
but our time just flew by
There wasn´t a chance to say goodbye
I´m so confused
I feel all alone
Deep in my heart
I know Allah has called you home

But yet
Your smile
Still lingers in my mind

And yet
It´s so hard
I just break down and cry

I remember
Your eyes
Find away to melt my heart
Most of all
I remember
I remember your smile

Some time i lie awake in night
The pain in my heart 
I just can´t find
Why did you have to go away?
Yet I know none of us can stay
You will always be
so special to me
In this world you will always live as a memory

But yet
Your smile
Still lingers in my mind

And yet
It´s so hard
I just break down and cry

I remember
Your eyes
Find away to melt my heart
Most of all
I remember
I remember your smile

But yet
Your smile
Still lingers in my mind

And yet
It´s so hard
I just break down and cry

I remember
Your eyes
Find away to melt my heart
Most of all
I remember
I remember your smile

#For My sister had Passed Away#
#For My Grandmother's Mbah Puteri#
#For My Abah Umi#
#For My Siblings#
#For My Relatives#
#For My Close Friend#
#For All People Thats I know#
Thankyou For Ur Sweet Smile
Your Smile is 'Sadaqah'


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